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the LO source code requires const GooString*, but the /usr/local/include/poppler/OutputDev.h file 
had no const in the
declaration of drawString.  The installed poppler was newer than 0.64.0.

The hack is, that in the past I installed poppler and it installed OutputDev.h .  When I later 
compiled newer version of
poppler I have not passed ENABLE_XPDF_HEADERS / ENABLE_UNSTABLE_API_ABI_HEADERS to cmake and in 
turn “make install” has
not overwritten /usr/local/include/poppler/OutputDev.h.  This led to a situation with new 
libpoppler and old OutputDev.h
without const.  Indeed override triggered correctly.

--without-system-poppler mitigates.


On Mon, 2019-01-14 at 08:48 +0000, Kaganski Mike wrote:
On 14.01.2019 11:46, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 13/01/2019 23:57, Дилян Палаузов wrote:
LO fails compiling with gcc 8.2.1 20190101 I emitting:

[build SPP] scp2/source/ooo/ure
[build SCP] scp2/source/writer/file_writer
[build SPP] scp2/source/xsltfilter/file_xsltfilter
[build SPP] scp2/source/xsltfilter/module_xsltfilter
[build SPP] scp2/source/gnome/file_gnome
[build SPP] scp2/source/gnome/module_gnome
[build SPP] scp2/source/sdkoo/sdkoo
[build SCP] scp2/source/writer/module_writer
[build CXX] sdext/source/pdfimport/xpdfwrapper/pnghelper.cxx
In file included from 


error: ‘virtual void
pdfi::PDFOutDev::drawString(GfxState*, const GooString*)’ marked 
‘override’, but does not override
          virtual void drawString(GfxState *state, const GooString *s) 
warning:   by ‘virtual void
pdfi::PDFOutDev::drawString(GfxState*, const GooString*)’ 
make[1]: *** 
You likely need a backport of 
"fix build with poppler 0.64" (and maybe also backports of further 
poppler-adaption fixes in that area), or configure 

There is obviously always a chance that building old versions of LO 
against current system components does not work.  Often enough, you will 
find fixes for those issues in later versions of LO, and which are often 
even easy to backport to the version where you need them.
I'm afraid that the message implies that the fix from spring 2018 is 
already there - the constness of the GooString parameter is there in the 
message. So possibly there's some problem detecting the poppler library 

Best regards,
Mike Kaganski
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