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Le 2011-02-11 12:36, drew a écrit :
On Thu, 2011-02-10 at 18:49 -0500, Marc Paré wrote:

Re: LibreOffice in Everyday Life section

For consistency, the "Authorities and public administrations" should be
capitalized just as the other lines above it. "Authorities and Public

Could you leave an .odt of both pamphlets on the wiki? We should have a
history of the mods made to the pamphlet for other groups who would like
to mod the pamphlet later on. It is always good to keep a record of what
our teams have done at conferences.

Great - have updated that line and also the Education line.

The SCALE specific file is now on the wiki at:

updated with same edits:


All in sync for the moment.


Thanks for the edits and all. I'll add the SCALE example on the 
Marketing Conference Kit wiki page.


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