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On 05/14/2011 12:33 PM, drew wrote:
On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 11:03 -0700, C. Olofson wrote:
On 05/14/2011 10:12 AM, Christopher Walsh wrote:
I have a Primera Bravo II duplicator and printer -- it does runs of 50 discs
at a time.  The ink does get expensive
Do you have a guesstimate of what the cost is?  That'd help me draft a
reference for NA marketing.
(the Epson is better -- reviews
suggest that it's pretty frugal with ink).

Another option would be to buy pre-printed blank media -- blank DVD-R's with
the LO label pre-screened on them.   The advantage is that you get pro
results, for about a dollar per blank disc, and you can always make small
DVD runs with latest ISO or custom package (so you're not tied to whatever
version was available for the replication run).  I've done this for
multi-episode shows, where we needed fast turnaround.  We made sure the
label was generic and evergreen, and then handwrote the show specifics in a
blank area.   For LO, you'd just want a small area to note run date and
package version.
This sounds like a very good "happy medium."  I could imagine getting a
very good price on a decently sized run for all of NA and then
"pre-positioning stockpiles" with contacts (by geographic region or
market size).  Interesting.

This option might be very doable - there is a contact for professional
printing services, the handle contract DVD dup / Printing services for
large corps and some state (MD) work. They also, as it happens, are
converting from Win/MSO to Linux/LibreOffice (started with OO.o but now
moving to LibreOffice), the computers on the shop floor went first (to
Linux) with the admin staff following - so, there may be something here
to cultivate.

I'll touch base with them this week, again, and pass back any details.

There was also some talk with Tim at one point about using LuLu as a
provider. Perhaps that should be looked at seriously, but I'm not at all
sure one would preclude the other.


That'd be interesting. Good "LibO User Story" there too. Let us know. Wrt Lulu, at first pass, it doesn't look promising. Their cost calculator is very limited but for a 250ct run, they want $3.69 per unit which is about 50% over what I'm (casually) finding nearby. My sense is that Lulu may be "the" place for printed books & even marketing collateral but not necessarily DVDs, cases, inserts, etc.

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