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Again, this is not what I am trying to do and of course I am aware that any OO/LO document has lots 
of formatting and options that markdown lacks that would be lost going from OO/LO, that's the 
reason for using markdown.

My focus - which the other users understood - is to focus on the content of the document, using 
OO/LO later to polish the presentation of the content.

Although I did not mention it, there are also several markdown editors running on Android phones 
and tablets allowing me to work on document content on the go.

On 11/20/2016 9:13 PM, J.B. Nicholson wrote:
H wrote:
I should have been clearer. If you read my previous message you will see
that I am not looking for what you are describing, rather the ability to
read/write document and presentation files in markdown format.
This runs into the same problem -- a modern presentation program (such as LibreOffice's) is capable 
of recording many things in ODF files that can't be converted into markdown.

The nature of your problem is that you seek to go from a very capable modern format (such as ODF) to a simple 
format which, by design, can "only addresses issues that can be conveyed in plain text" (per

The Multimarkdown editor supposedly can create OO files but since it does
not run on my systems I have not been able to give it a try.
Going from markdown to ODF should be fine, going the other way is naturally going to be lossy.

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