Hi :)
Official documentation, 3rd party documentation, official wiki-guides, 3rd party wiki-pages and
blogs, distro-specific documentation (and wiki-guides and blogs) are all better and easier to
search through than old archives of mailing lists for a product that develops so fast that answers
get outdated so quickly.
It would be really fantastic if people could take valuable advice given in the lists and update the
wiki-guides. It would be even better if the person that took the advice and found it worked did
the update as they probably noticed details that old-timers may not have considered significant.
Regards from
Tom :)
--- On Sat, 25/2/12, Stefan Weigel <stefan.weigel@bildungskreis.org> wrote:
From: Stefan Weigel <stefan.weigel@bildungskreis.org>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Top posting
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Saturday, 25 February, 2012, 12:04
Am 25.02.2012 12:30, schrieb Caesar:
On Fri, 24 Feb 2012 21:24:58 -0500, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
<andrew@pitonyak.org> wrote
What I meant was "it feels mean to say that someone values a person's
contributions so little that they have an automatic deletion filter on
all of their contributions".
If a poster insists that he be able to post in a manner that I find
confusing and offensive, then I'm not interested in reading anything
he is writting.
I find it very effective in making this mailing list readable.
True. However it´s not a solution for the main problem. The main
problem is, that people who do not follow the suggested posting
rules, destroy the value of the archive of this mailing list, which
is intended to be a growing knowlegde base.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Top posting (continued)
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