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I see two things.  Firstly, I think the Ideate and Refine Ideas, Ease
Reviews and Discussions, and Improve Communications can all be combined into
Improve Communications.  Secondly, the section titled Care about Branding
Requirements doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.  And I think that's
about all I see there that doesn't make sense, etc.

As far as the input gathering is concerned, I think we need to get input
from everywhere we can.  Polls are great - I know there is an OpenOffice
following on Facebook, and I think we should probably see if we can't get
that same crowd into a LibreOffice following there.  However, I think that
having a good recommendations system in place is really important
- preferably one embedded in the application.  One thing that I found to be
particularly difficult on the website as a new comer was figuring out how to
subscribe to the Mailing lists and how to post to it.  I'm also not exactly
a fan of the mailing list format... Responding to individual threads and
keeping everything organized and separate can be a bit of a challenge...
 I'm not sure if any of you have used Google Groups or Google Wave, but
either of those might be a significant upgrade to the traditional mailing
list way of doing things....

Yours Truly,

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 16:00, Christoph Noack <>wrote:

Hi Scott!

Wow, there is quite some activity on this list at the moment. Cool! :-)

Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2011, 15:45 -0600 schrieb Scott Pledger:

Yes that is exactly what I had been thinking!!  And sure, I'd be glad to
help however I can!
That'll be great ... so may I kindly ask you for something? To me, the
most important thing is to have a look at the WWN list in the wiki. I've
spend so much time with this list, that I'm unsure if every idea can be
understood ... especially since I'm usually not the author of these
thoughts :-) So, is there something missing - is there something you
won't agree on at all?

The next step would be to think about how we can collect (e.g. thinking
of the marketing questions) the information - may it be polls,
surveys ... within the Design team ... with other teams ... with
end-users (who don't even know that we exist).

Well, one can spend hours by replying to mails ... and its already time
to go to bed. So a "good night" to everybody :-)


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