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The question (for
Tor) is - if we have a __declspec(dllexport) on two identical symbols in
two shared libraries that link to each other: will we get some vile
linking conflict ? [ or not ] ;-)
As far as I could see by experimenting, yes, as long as you from a DLL don't both import and export 
a symbol with the same name, it should work.

Possibly using some clever tricks or useful options to the linker it might be possible to make the 
linker create a DLL that both imports a certain symbol from another DLL, and also exports the same 

(If just you manage to create such a DLL, using it should not be problematic... After all, to the 
run-time linker, there should be nothing confusing going on.)

But of course, without actually trying, and considering C++ is involved, take all the above with a 
large grain of salt.



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