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On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 12:18:06PM +0300, Andres Gomez wrote:
On Thu, 2013-06-20 at 20:20 +0200, Michael Stahl wrote:
The firebird specific libraries (fb builds its own versions
libicuuc/libicudata/etc.) are currently in install/program/firebird/lib
really?  it bundles its own ICU?  argh... can you teach it to use the
LO's ICU instead?  no reason why we'd need to ship 2 sets of ICU libraries.

As I was writing in the wiki:

We may hit some problems if we use LO's or systems ICU with the table

I think the safest would actually be to use always FB's internal ICU
copy but other possible approaches are possible in order to face this
I think you are thinking too short.

Nnote that most distros will simply build with
system-firebird. (and whatever THAT one is built against - looks
like that it's *external* ICU here:




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