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On 2010-12-01 12:16 PM, BRM wrote:
Please stop discouraging this kind of work.
I'm not, I'm trying to help you understand how difficult such an
undertaking is. The way it was described to me, it would take many many
experienced developers many many months (if not years) to do the rewrite
(we're talking many thousands of source files and many millions of lines
of code) - and then you'd obviously have to deal with all of the *new*
myriad of bugs etc along the way.

If the effort is to be done at all, then we need to encourage this
kind of work - even if in small incremental steps. But it has to
start somewhere and with a goal in mind to accomplish.
Ok, but the discuss list is not the right place. If you are a developer,
you need to be bringing this up on the dev list, where the people who
actually do have the firsthand knowledge of how difficult this will be
can address your questions directly.

Are the LO/OOo developers/management that averse to change? I 
certainly hope not. Is TDF that adverse to change? I certainly hope
not as well.
Not at all... I'm not a developer, and this is not the developer list.

Good luck - I hope you are successful in getting it done, but I assure
you I will not be holding my breath.


Best regards,


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