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On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 11:28:28 +0100, Sebastian Spaeth <> wrote:
On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:06:38 +0000, Nigel Hawkins <> wrote:
Just done a pull and am now getting a build error:
Entering .../build/rawbuild/svtools/util
Making:    svten-US.res
Compiling: rsc_svt
f268: Error: The image(s) <lxh03124 lxh03125 lxh03131 lxh03132 lxh03134

The high contrast images have been moved out into their own theme
directory. Remove the unxl*.prj dir and rebuild. If that does not help,
you might have to make a make clean.
Let me correct myself, I still get this failure. It suffices to go to
svtools/util and issue dmake. But the name of the icons doesn't occur at
all in svtools (or any other repo for that matter). So I have no clue
where that is coming from. Help appreciated.



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