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From: Mark Bourne [via Document Foundation Mail Archive] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 5:04 PM
To: 4130 
Subject: Re: disable "cntrl click to follow link"

4130 wrote: 

Thanks for the solution & the image to my cntrl>click problem.  Never 
thought it would be a "security" issue. 
I think the "security" issue is that hyperlinks can be formatted to look 
like normal text. Usually in a word processor you click to position the 
cursor where you want to edit text. Someone could send you a document, 
and when you click on that text (intending to position the cursor for 
editing it) you end up opening a web page instead - which may exploit a 
vulnerability in your web browser to install malware. 

With some vulnerabilities, you need only to open a web page designed to 
exploit it; you don't even need accept and run a download, or even 
realise that anything has happened. e.g. the first item under 
"Mitigating Factors" at (about half way 
down the page). 

Even if they're not being malicious, it's somewhat frustrating to click 
on a bit of text and suddenly find some web page being opened when all 
you wanted to do was edit the text. 


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