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Hi again,

I didn't intend for the banners to be removed, just /reviewed/.
Everything goes through the review process. It's our best means of normalising out subjectivity.
On 1/29/2011 8:24 AM, Ron Carter wrote:
Sure, I have no problem with toning things down, but the web2.1 "wave"
design" is, as you put it, a trend as well.
I would disagree, Coke and Pepsi were sporting the wave in print long before most people knew the web wasn't just the thing between their fingers. But I'm not trying to defend my design. You're right, it isn't optimal. I admit that happily.
Banners are ephemeral, are meant to catch the eye, and yes, sometimes
Yes, sometimes they are. But it doesn't mean they /have/ to be.
If everyone was still trying to "out-crass" each other, there'd be a lot more animated-GIFs around. And Lolcats.
And banners may be ephemeral, but a bad impression lasts a lifetime.
If you want "conservative", then sure, not a problem either.  It just
won't bring in the crowds like a good ballyhoo.
True, but I don't MAKE the rules, I just play by them. Like a team does.
I don't want conservative; I want quality+consistency.


On 1/29/2011 7:03 AM, drew wrote:
You should probably sit down before reading my next comment.
Can we have a bit of iteration before one of these goes live?
Yessiree, that certainly knocked the wind outta me Drew!


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