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On Thu, 2012-09-06 at 10:19 +0200, David Tardon wrote:

On Wed, Sep 05, 2012 at 03:18:36PM +0200, Peter Jentsch wrote:
Splitting the Saxon stuff should be possible and has been one of the goals of the libxslt port. 
I haven't tested that, though. 
I tried to do the first step--building the java transformer as an
extension--a couple of weeks ago ... I am going to give it
another try soon. 
ah!, shiny. That saxon really bugs me as it's an out of date version,
but later versions can't be used because they miss the required

Anyway, I think there are going to be code changes needed. Some problems
that need to be addressed: the XSLT filter configuration dialog allows
to say that the java transformer should be used. But what if it is not
available? (Disable the config. item? But the filter will not work...)
What if it _had been_ available and was uninstalled later? (Revert to
the default transformer and let the filter just bail out with an error
if used? Or disable the filter--if that is even possible with the
current API?)
Disable the config, revert to default if custom is unavailable throw an
error dialog up with the link to the extensions page for the split off
extension I suppose.



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