Ciao Bruno!
Have you tried to put credentials on proxy URLs in LibreOffice proxy
settings (Tools -> Options -> Internet -> Proxy -> Manual)?
I mean something like this:
Proxy HTTP: (or with
the proxy port only in the LibreOffice proxy port field)
Proxy HTTPS: (ibidem)
Proxy FTP:
And so on...
Have a sunny day,
p.s. Webgrafia:
<- from this you can get some further ideas for your macros...
ing. Carlo Strata
via Botticelli 1/4
30031 Dolo - VE
Italia - Italy
tel./fax +39.041.822.0665
cell. +39.347.85.69.824
Skype carlo.strata
Google carlo.strata.69
Il 27/08/2014 12:33, ha scritto:
On 2014-08-26 21:52, Mark Bourne wrote: wrote:
I would like to get geocode by web service Google API, my macro
works at
home (without proxy) but not at work (through proxy).
At work (Windows 7, LibO , when I launch my macro, LibO freeze
any seconds and replay "Error 1: Une exception s'est produite : Type: Message: . (line :
Not entirely sure if this will work, but try:
[Snip the explanations I've followed letter by letter]
- Now try accessing the web service from LibreOffice.
Doesn't work :-(
Another possibility is that the service is blocked by your proxy. Are
you able to access it from work through any other means to test? e.g.
another application, by manually connecting to it (if you know what
you're doing and it uses a plain-text protocol, you can connect a
telnet session via "telnet <address> <port>" from a command prompt,
and then type the requests and see if you get a response back).
I would like to use a Google geocoding service.
It works with my/your favorite browser (through proxy):
return a xml including location coordinates. My webbrowser ask me the
proxy's login/passwd.
It works with wget through proxy (Cygwin installed, .wgetrc configured
with proxy's login/passwd).
To use the google service with LibO, I have found the following
webpage: <>. It works on a
connection without proxy but not trough proxy.
I've tried the following macro in LibO (simplier) -> same result:
works without proxy, not with proxy!
Sub Macro1
open ""; for input as #1
line input #1, texte
close #1
print texte
End Sub
LibO want not to pass trough proxy!
Does it exist an another way to use webservices into LibO (pluggin, or
something like that ?)
It may be worth asking your IT department what you might need to do to
get through their proxy; the rest of us can only guess at how it might
be configured. Some are more aggressive than others in blocking
certain types of traffic.
I'll see with him.
Thanx you very much for your help. We keep in touch.
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