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Hi Marc, *

Am 02.05.2012 15:49, schrieb Marc Paré:
The Google Calendar wiki extension was recently installed on the wiki and a LibreOffice International Calendar was created both for testing and usage. You can find the calendar on this wiki page[1]. I've input some of the upcoming date into the calendar. Let me know of any other dates and I will put these in.
thanks for this!
For D (A) have a look at [2].

While I don't think there is a need at this point for many admins, it would be nice if there were 5-6 people available to admin the calendar. I don't think it will require too much time to maintain the calendar. It really only needs the input of data and, if you are familiar with the workings of Google Calendar, then, there is no "learning curve".
Note that you have to have a Google Account to admin the calendar.

I am also going to test a version for the main website but need to check on a couple of technical points, but this means that we would only need to input data once and have it appear both on the wiki and website at the same time.
Comments are welcome.





Have a nice time!

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