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Hi Jonathan, Oliver, Kami, *,

Am Sonntag, 25. September 2011, 19:44:35 schrieb Jonathan Aquilina:
I am as well but would like to know what it entails as well as I am
quite busy with studies as well

On 25/09/2011 11:08, Olivier R. wrote:
Hi all,

Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
Besides learning a new cms could you go into more details as to what the
position entails.

I am interested but very busy also. :)
I try to answer the questions from the status of today. This may change a bit, if our 
sites are more popular and there are more people, asking for help or doing some 
unusal tasks ;-)

Currently the manager has to help some users that have issues with their account or 
with their extensions/templates.
They have e.g. issues with the opt-in-email or get an error message, if they create a 
new release or want to upload their extension/template. The manager has to deal with 
this. He had to read the full error message, analyse the problem and search for a 
solution (that could be a workaround for the user, e.g. a different file format that 

Because there are currently not enough active reviewer of projects, the manager has 
also to do this task and proofread the new projects, look at the language setting of 
each new project and every new release (and eventually change it manually to language 
neutral) and publish the project, if every thing is according to our conditions. If 
there is something missing (e.g. a screenshot or a project logo) or there is a wrong 
logo (not project related) the manager will inform the contributor by email (from 
inside the Plone CMS with webmaster-address).

I think this are currently the main duties of the manager.

There are some other tasks that could only be done by the developer of the plattform 
(that's me ;-)
If there is an update (for security or other reasons) needed or the instance had to 
be restarted, this is only posible from the file system of the server. This needs 
permissions from the TDF and a ssh-key on the server. But this tasks have not to be 
done every day, because Plone is a very secure framework and security issues are 

I hope this helps to answer your questions about the manager job. If not, please ask 
more specific questions. I try to answer them ;-)


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