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On 11/30/2014 11:23 AM, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
2014.11.30 07:38, Yury Tarasievich rašė:

And if you use Windows and want to make inputting these characters even
more convenient, you can always customize your keyboard layout adding
missing typographical  symbols to the AltGr (or any other) layer. Here's
a free tool to do that:
Well, as Adolfo tells us, it's "bah" to Windows 
users". However, Linux's en_US keymap (which I'm 
using right now) also does not have any of 
mentioned glyphs on the compose key.
I'm heavily using several fancy glyphs input 
add-ons in LO itself, and I tell you, it's not 
all fun.
Program UI isn't a typography showcase. Why not leave the pragmatic
simplification which serves it purpose? Does it break anything?
I agree this will be annoying, because at the very least, the localizers
will have to re-approve a lot of their old translations when these
changes land. At least in the case of "don't" though, maybe this change
could be automated, if we ask Andras or Christian nicely? :)
I can guess with some confidence that having to 
redo apostrophes in, like, thousand strings by 
hand (and you can't automate, apostrophe's use 
in technology being what it is) just to have 
"correct" characters in the UI feels more like a 
slap in a face.
What's strictly "incorrect" in straight 
apostrophe, anyway?
Is any REAL purpose actually served by this 
change? Like, will anybody notice this or 
appreciate this or-so-nice touch in the computer 
screen material?
Will this conceal the fact that LibreO/ApacheOO 
itself isn't that great in typography in the 
documents it produces?

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