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On 06/04/2012 11:37 AM, Chuck Davis wrote:
Why don't you just download it and see if it does what you need?  If
it works for your business needs it's ready!  If not, don't use it
yet.  I would NEVER depend on somebody else to determine whether
something is ready for me.  Only I can determine that!
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 7:25 AM, Pertti Rönnberg <> wrote:
Dear you LibO folks,
I have now wasted a lot of time reading some 30 mails in this thread - it
was of no use because most of them did not
handle neither give an answer to the original very relevant question:
"Is 3.5.4 ready for business users?"

So, what is the conclusion - if there is any?
Is 3.5.4. ready for business use, or not -- if not, what version is then in
every way at least as or more reliable as e.g. MSOffice& MSAccess?
   the MSO's license fees are peanuts compared with lost efficiency (and
costs) if a company's office personnel must struggle with LibO's bugs and
issues many hours many days per week per month -- and the company has to
employ or buy some extra it-resources for that  (and fixing new problems
coming with new versions every 'second day')
    no company can afford bad quality or inflexibility in communication
with customers caused by a not-working office program (LibO?)
   MSO is no doubt the 90% market leader and is most certainly used by any
company's most important customers/contacts -- and the rest 10% will follow
the majority every time they have to
Three weeks ago in another thread I put an similar question asking what is
the best LibO version today for a private/home user -- a home user does not
have it-experts or own skills in programming to rely on but has the same
need of a troublefree program.
Thanks to Tom and Andreas for their kindness to answer; but neither of them
gave me an exact recommendation: "that version is what you need"!

Perhaps that 'business ready version' of LibO could be the one for me too.
If there is no such a reliable version (not for business nor for home) then
stop developing for a while and make one:  better to have a perfectly well
working program with less features than one with plenty of fantastic
features that does not work and that produces problems already when being
Please, start with fixing Base!
Pertti Rönnberg

On 4.6.2012 3:49, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 04.06.2012 00:59, Tom Davies wrote:
Andreas' and e-letter's answer is to tell people that to use LO they must
stop communicating with anyone that uses MS Office, so that is all their
customers and clients, their colleagues, their boss and people that work for
them, their family and friends.

Are you going to start a flame war against me? Be careful, pal. Your
assertion is without any substance.

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