On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 13:07 -0700, Jeffrey Chimene wrote:
Yes. I don't have the link with me (it's on my development server). I
will send it later today (after 19:00 PST)
Alright - well, I'll look better - thanks but send it anyway if you
don't mind.
Then I need to register at the forum module at that address - yes?
ISTR that there is a form to fill out that sends an email to
I believe you just use the "Contact us" page to send that request.
The let Christian (?) know so he can give me author role on that
specific site - yes?
If not (the dev site wasn't made) we need to get that done as step
It was made. That's how I can assert that I've invested about 5 hrs.
converting to SS.
Duh - good point.
After that lets look at step being the move of the first few menu
followed by a page - let's see what happens if we just cut in the
I've already done that. I've described the work involved.
yes you did - sorry.
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- Re: [us-marketing] Re: LibreOffice North American Community meeting - April 2011 (continued)
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