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At 19:52 05/02/2014 +0000, David Lynch wrote:
I have spreadsheets where the width of the cell borders varies and is important. I have about twenty different styles which I apply, by formula (STYLE()), to several hundred cells. The cells are square. There are two widths of border 0.05pt and 2.05 pt. All is well when the magnification is 100%: both wide and narrow vertical bars look the same as the horizontal ones. However, if the magnification changes the vertical and horizontal bars diverge in appearance. Sometimes the wide vertical ones look the same as the narrow horizontal ones.
The border widths are expressed in absolute terms, of course, with no 
recognition of the resolution of any output format. But when you view 
the result, whether it is on display or a printout, possible line 
widths are dictated by the actual resolution of those devices.  If 
you can see the difference between your line widths at 100%, you 
should be able to see it at any higher magnification, but if you zoom 
out to a lower magnification you will inevitable reach a point when 
any difference becomes incapable of being represented and therefore 
invisible.  This will be different for different devices, of course, 
so you may be able to discern on printed output what you cannot see 
on your display.
Is there anything I can do to retain consistency of appearance when changing magnification?
Yes.  Choose from:
o Don't use small magnifications.
o Use a higher resolution display.
o Select more contrasting border widths.
o Use an alternative technique for distinguishing your cells, e.g. background colour?
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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