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Hi :)
It is more likely to be a false-positive.  All anti-virus and security
systems run the risk of finding false-positives otherwise they are not
working hard enough.

Also the software competes against major profit-making software from
certain companies so their security programs or anti-virus programs could
have a good reason to have such 'accidents'.

On the other hand the software is free to distribute and modify&distribute
so that people can have tweaked versions to cover a variety of scenarios.
For example on Cds/Dvds glued to the front of mags, or in corporate
environments to place their logo in the menu-bars.  Almost all of these are
legitimate and trustworthy.  They should all point to the main official
website to make it easy to get the pure original from;

If that version created a problem then it would be great to hear which
security program or anti-virus you are using and maybe someone here, or
you, could let them know they have a false-positive.

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

On 16 July 2014 13:48, Kracked_P_P---webmaster <>

On 07/16/2014 02:33 AM, Against thieves wrote:

my software detected your libreoffice have many trojan and malware spy
file at your installation file and setuped folder,welcome to clean and fix
such trojan,otherwise,your software are unsafe

Where did you get the install file and was the detection on that file or
after it was installed? What OS are you using and which Anti-Virus, and
detection/cleaning, packages are you using?  That may help use know what is
going on.

I have never heard of this issue coming up before.  My Comodo suite of
software has never detected any Trojan and other "nasties" in LO's install
files. I have the 4.2.5 installed on my main Win7 laptop and LO was clean.

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