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At 11:50 09/03/2017 +0000, Gary Collins wrote:
Is it possible to make the search performed by vlookup to be case sensitive?
Apparently not!

I need to be able to distinguish between eg 'd' and 'D' but at the moment i cant work out how to do it (if it's possible)
Suppose your array has the values to be searched in column A and the 
values to be returned in column B. Then try:
Note that this is an array formula, so when you have entered it you must complete the process by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If you do this successfully, the entire formula will appear in the Input line surrounded by braces, but you cannot simply type these braces yourself.
This relies on EXACT() being the one function that *is* case-sensitive.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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