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On 04/17/2011 11:55 AM, Andy Brown wrote:
webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

I have used a type of instant messaging in the 90's via a online
service, but it was not called IRC. The biggest issue with such a
service is my "communication skills". For emails, I have a spelling
checker and am able to make sure my words make sense. These are mostly
from my Dyslexia and Stroke problems. It can be even worse with my
speech, at times.
I can relate, without the Stroke problems, I have a bad case of 
Dyslexia fingers when I try to type to fast.  I love spell check in 
Thunderbird as it keeps me from look to dumb.
I had to go through school before they knew about Learning Disorders, like Dyslexia. Most teachers either called me lazy or worse. They were never trained to deal with a person who was smart but had issues with reading and numbers [not math, but the why numbers and words are seen]. I had to do a lot of compensation to get the good grades I did in school, and then in four colleges degree programs. I dropped out from the first one due to money, but went back to others and did well. By then there was some knowledge about learning disorders and I no longer was called lazy or worse. I was praised for being able to do so well with my disorder's issues.
As for my speech and fingers, I was once told by a doctor that my brain 
was going too fast for my mouth to keep up, causing problems with 
communication between the brain and mouth.  That was his simple 
statement about what is a really complex issue.  Then starting in 1991, 
I had a total of three strokes and also several debilitating back and 
leg injuries.  When it took a form of Morphine to keep me able to do 
phone/computer desk work, my doctors told me I must quit for my own 
health.  The stress on my body was going to catch up with my and I will 
not like what happens then.
Thunderbird is my default email client and I make sure every one I 
provide software to has the most up-to-date copy of it.  Over half who 
used email-client-based, not browser-based, packages now use Thunderbird.
search for "pencils" or personalized
Thanks for the link, adding to my list of marketing links.

What I needed was handout items that I, or a low funded group, can afford to buy for handing out them at events and other places where we have a display.
I wish we could afford to buy 2,000 of the personalized school-related 
items, like pencils and pens, since near the end of summer we have a 
booth at a kid's event.  Parents like school supplies handed out.  The 
kids want toys and other non-school related stuff.  This summer is our 
third year with a game booth, and the third year needing to buy 2,000 to 
5,000 items to give away.  I am thinking about paying for an ink 
stamping kit, since that might be a less expensive route to personalize 


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