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On Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:33:24 +0700
"Urmas" <> wrote:

A lout known as "Charles-H. Schulz":

As for the feature parity with Word 2.0, we have obviously passed that
stage before 1.0;

And yet it was not until 4.3, not yet released BTW your suit got support for
paragraphs longer than 64k or tagging the text with a language.

and if it was so easy, if it is that easy, why don't you go start your own 
office suite and leave everyone else alone?
_You_'ve got 90% of your office suit for free from StarDivision (with German 
included), and it is _you_ who cannot develop it properly.

What pleasure do you take out of insulting people?
It is you who are insulting people.

Urmas    why do you not just go back  to the M$ Corp lists and stay there  Eh!   


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