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Le 2010-10-20 12:40, James Walker a écrit :
You know, my biggest thought is that if we want to get LibO into a more
widespread acceptance then we have to get into the Schools.

You tend to stick with what you learn first and that should be our number 1

(OT) I agree totally. I am also a piano tuner by trade and have worked at many universities. One of the marketing techniques that piano firms use it selling at deep discount to school systems and universities. The students get used to the brand and they tend to stick to the brand once they purchase a personal piano. By some respects, Steinway had done the same thing in the US and it has helped to keep the Steinway brand alive and popular in many regions of the US. Yamaha has used the same technique and has penetrated the Canadian educational system quite deeply (not too sure about US ).
The same could be said for Apple and its marketing techniques in both US 
and Canadian educational systems.
If one of our marketing techniques could concentrate on the educational 
system, then we could probably have the same kind of success. However, 
the biggest issue, in my experience, is that of IT and user level 
support. We would have to make sure that this is covered.
I guess this should be discussed in the LibO in Education thread. I'll 
copy this to that thread.

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