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Hi all,

Miklos Vajna schrieb am 08-Nov-19 um 09:33:

On Thu, Nov 07, 2019 at 11:01:33PM +0100, Regina Henschel <> wrote:
Ok, that contains how to use an UndoManager.
Yes, that was the intention I assume -- tiledrendering is just a suite
that happened to contain that example code. :-)

But how can I act with the shape, so that an undo-entry is generated?
UI actions, that produce the error are: changing line or fill attributes,
switching extrusion on/off, setting "Autofit text" on.
I think the general concept is that if you manipulate the doc model
directly (SdrModel), then you don't get undo/redo. In contrast, if you
manipulate the doc model via UNO or the UI shells, then you get it.
I first tried with comphelper::dispatchCommand(), which I had seen in 
tiledrendering, but that did not know the needed SID. Now I have used
pViewShell->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute, which I have seen 
in uiimpress, and that works.
And would it be correct to add my test to that file? My topic is different
from 'tiledrendering'.
If you want to test Impress undo/redo, my first guess would be
Yes, that is suitable. It has already some undo parts. My patch is 
finished now. Find it in
Kind regards


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