Le 28/04/11 02:59 AM, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
Sophie Gautier wrote on 2011-04-28 06.34:
Just for information, zero spam as of now.
sometimes it's good when nobody can login. :-)
Let's see how the next days will be, if there comes in spam.
If these problems persist, I, for one, would be agreeable to going back
to closing down the wiki self account creation and having those
interested in contributing to the wiki having to request an account from
some of our admin members.
I had the same problem on two of my sites, I closed down the self
account creation and have had no problems in 3-4 months. It is such a
relief not having to waste my time chasing spam accounts. The time I
wasted was vastly greater than the time I now use to help create
accounts for real users.
Imagine, the time you could save by doing this could be used to fix the
problems with the wiki Rich text editor. (*grin*) (I just thought I
would throw that in here. :-))
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- Re: [libreoffice-website] wiki spam filter (continued)
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