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On 05/16/2011 06:16 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
On 05/16/2011 03:34 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2011-05-16 08:12, drew a écrit :
On Mon, 2011-05-16 at 03:33 -0400, drew wrote:

Uploaded a submission of a tri-fold pamphlet for use inside the tall
disc case. Most of the text is from a file Tim sent via PM a few days
ago, with a bit brought back from the first one I put up earlier.

updated both files just now, fixed typos, some formatting changes.

Middle panel on first page could use some re-wording still, IMO
also need to add some trademark info still - so I'll hold off on
touching though for the rest of the morning



Thanks for doing this Drew and Tim. Here are my suggestions 
(remember, they are only my suggestions):

p.1, panel 1

* brief information ...

*** (suggest a bullet at the start of the blurb) ***

* has the various ...

*** (suggest a bullet at the start of the blurb) ***


p. 1, panel 2

An extension ... These include add-ons such as formatting tools, language tools, and over 180 localised dictionary extensions.
*** (I don't think you need the rest of the blurb on Mexican 
dictionaries and one or more for each country listed. I find it 
strange that there are 20 different Mexican dictionaries. We will 
have to get some of our Mexican language partners to sort this out. 
We should also avoid the use of the 1st person plural "We".)  ***
These extensions, as well as most files ending in the .oxt file 
"extension" can be installed by using the default Extension Manager 
[Tools>Extension Manager].
*** (I tried to condense this sentence, it sounded too choppy.) ***


p. 1, panel 2


There are two types of template files included on the DVD:

* Files ending with ".oxt" will add templates to the “File > New > Template and Document“ list.
*The second type of files are in compressed/archived file groups and 
can be unarchived using a standard archive manager program [7Zip is 
included in the list on the “Extras” page]. These are sample files 
that are opened like normal document files.
*** (reworked paragraphs, bullet form please) ***


p. 1, panel 2


Documentation files included on this DVD are in either the ".odt" OpenDocument file format [ODF], a long established International Standard [ISO] set of file formats, or, ".pdf" Adobe Acrobat file format. LibreOffice uses the international standard ODF as its default office suite file formats.
*** (I tried to condense this to a stronger paragraph, we should also 
not speak of MS in a negative way and MS claims they are following an 
ISO approved xml standard anyway. let's not mention them at all in 
this passage. No need to sell people on the .pdf format. If they 
don't know about it, they can use our format, which is what we are 
trying to promote.) ***

p. 1, panel 3

There are two types of artwork files on the included on the DVD:

* Files ending with ".oxt" will be added to the "Tools>Gallery" option.

* The second type of files are in compressed/archived file groups and can be unarchived using a standard archive manager program [7Zip is included in the list on the “Extras” page]. These are are individual or groups of image files that can be used by LibreOffice or any other packagethat can use image files.
*** (reworked paragraph to match the Templates paragraph, bullet form 
please) ***

p. 2 panel 2

*** Our mission is, IMHO, a little slim. Whereas later we say "Tell the world you share our visions, join our group and fan page at There is little vision that we have given the user on the pamphlet. This is something we really need to get to work on as a marketing group. ***


Well, my original wording was a guide, for me, and with my Dyslexia 
and stroke it is not easy for me to speak as plainly as I need and to 
get out what I really wanted to say.
Just to let you know, we need to make sure that everyone who is 
editing the files have the fonts.  I cannot find the fonts that are 
defaulted for LibreOffice, like I emailed Drew about.  I cannot find 
where I downloaded them to, so I need new copies.  So I could use the 
"Vegur" fonts, or a link to them.
Forgot to say this: There seems to be several different "designers" for the Vegur font, since I have seen at least four different names, or companies, in various sites for its designer. So if I can get the one that is being used by LibreOffice, then that would be best.
I know that this was beaten to death on a thread, but I was talking to a printer today and he corrected my pronunciation of LibreOffice. His family was from Germany [plus other European countries] and he told me what "Libre" came from and such so it was to be pronounced such-and-such.
He asked me about are we selling the product, and I told him what the 
near and extended future, for NA at least.  I also told him that 
different people in different regions will be having the DVD produced 
"locally" and will be either handing them out at events or will be 
responsible for a web based ordering of a low costing DVD copy of the 
I also told him when we had the finalized "paper" copy made, I would 
be having him print some up for me.  They would be much better quality 
than my old color printers.  Also they can be cut down to the proper 
size, better than I could do with my single sheet cutter.

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