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At 23:40 06/04/2015 +0900, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
I am struggling with the setup of a new computer (running Windows 8.1 -> quite a nightmare!). First I followed the onscreen instructions and set up a Microsoft account AND did succeed to transfer my profile data to LibreOffice installation under that account.
Now I have changed my mind, set up a LOCAL account (with 
administrator rights) and am trying the same. However, I just cannot 
figure out, how to "reach" the location of the profile under this 
account. First account: "Thomas". Second account "Thomas_2".
Under the first the profile is at: C:\users\Thomas\AppData" .... The 
second account however does NOT display anything like "AppData". 
Changing the folder properties a million times did so far not help.
I'm guessing here (not knowing much about Windows 8.1), but AppData 
is a hidden folder. Do you just have hidden files and folders 
displayed in your first account but not in your second? Select "Show 
hidden files and folders", perhaps temporarily.
Two workarounds:

o Navigate to C:\users\Thomas_2.
o Put the cursor at the end of the address in the address bar and add "\AppData" (no quotes).
o Type "%appdata%" (no quotes) on its own into the address bar. This 
is code for the current user's application data folder and should 
take you there seamlessly.
Do I have to delete the first account?
Surely not.

Or must I change the location of the profile?
It's rarely best practice to change default locations.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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