On 03/08/2011 03:01 PM, drew wrote:
Tim there is a label, a couple actually -
Yes I have that. Will send you a document that has the Stomper print
sheet test.
I added N.A. to it.
Well, I sent these to Tim direct but again to bring the list back up to
Here are updated png files with the best estimate of what I think the
latest logo art is...
Well found and installed the Windows Stomper Pro software. The label
still needs to not have any circle outlines where the label edges would be.
So, someone needs to make the final DVD and jewel case covers. One that
is for the "North American Community DVD - English version". Also for
the larger DVD case, an insert is a good quick place for people to read
what LibreOffice can do for them. Maybe a smaller one for the CD jewel
case insert. When you hand a person a DVD case with our graphics on it,
they open it up and can read a little folder page, or booklet, giving
them some basic information about LibreOffice and how to use the DVD for
installation of the package, and the other items on the disc. They do
this with movie DVDs, so why not with a software DVD?
With the price of these DVD cases so small per 100 units, under $20 USD,
it would be nice to make up a few dozen of the DVDs to hand out.
How long before version 3.3.2 comes out? Should we lock all the DVD
except for the install information and files? If 3.3.2 comes out before
we are ready for the ISO file, we/I will be doing the quick page updates
to go from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2. It took only a few minutes to do it when
3.3.1 came out, and the files were downloaded.
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