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+ Doxygen API generation ? (Bjoern)
       + done by Miklos just now - would like to hand it to sysadmin
           + assuming it will get run regularly.
           + some multi-GB doxygen output - lots of images.
Just a quick comment: I made an update to the doxygen config file to generate SVGs, and also now 
use a doxygen controlled scroll and zoom UI. 

I don't think that has increased file sizes.

However, with the way things work currently what I have noticed is actually the thing that is using 
most space are the tag files. I don't quite know how to do things much better (have experimented a 
bit) but the script currently generates tag files and html for each module, then as each module is 
built it references the previously generated tag files for the previous modules. After the clew 
module is built I noticed that we start getting massive tag files, over 450MB of text.

I was thinking maybe there might be a way of reworking the script to generate a tag file for each 
module first, then do another pass that generates the html from the tag files.

I don't know if this is feasible: I'm no doxygen expert unfortunately. I got this idea from a 
comment from the doxygen creator though, which detailed on Stack Overflow:


P.S. There seems to be some issue in doxygen preventing it from matching function declarations and 
definitions due to it not picking up correct namespaces, in VCL I fixed this by ensuring that we 
use the css namespace alias, but this is not appropriate for other modules.

Was going to try to make a reduced test case, but found it hard to reproduce. I wonder if we should 
reach out to the doxygen guys?


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