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never punctual wrote:
So basically, I consider my problem completely resolved now, thanks to all
the replies. I only have one final question about what Stephan wrote. I went
to the wiki page and I understood every part of your summary except the last
part on manually hyphenating single words. I tried Ctrl and -, and I got
some very small hyphen in the middle of the word where my cursor was. It
almost seemed to overlap the letters instead of forcing the letters apart a
little bit to make space for the hyphen. So what exactly is the point of
using Ctrl and - and how is it different from using just -?
Hi never punctual,
the manual hyphenation is different from a normal "-" (I think I'm
going to refer to that as a dash) in that it only actually includes
the "-" when it is needed (i.e. at the end of the line).

If you insert a normal dash in a word, then you have something like
"broken-word", even if the word is in the middle of the line (not at
the end).  If you insert a manual hyphen, then it inserts a little
grey box that just indicates to the user (person editing the document)
that a manual hyphen has been inserted.  If that word is in the middle
of the page (not at the end), then no hyphen will be printed (or
exported to pdf), so it will look like "brokenword".  If the word is
at the end of the line, then it will insert the hyphen and break the
word between the two lines, so it will look like "broken- <next line>

The manual hyphen only puts the dash there when the word is at the end
of the line.  So you don't have to keep checking if you need the dash
every time you edit something (making the line longer or shorter)

If my explanation is unclear, feel free to ask for clarification.


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