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On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 9:18 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster
<> wrote:
If we can have designs made, then we could go to our regional vendors and
make them up for our use and our marketing for LO.
Certainly. Do we want to maintain a list of vendors on the wiki or?

There has to be vendors world wide that would sell these "swag" items at low
unit counts.  They might not be "low cost" at low unit counts, but we could
work on finding the best companies in the various regions of the world and
set up the service for our users and marketers to buy when needed.
The first question in my mind is: What kind of volume are we talking about?

I can imagine that we might want to print up a lot of cheap white
t-shirts with the LibreOffice logo on the front and hand them out to,
say, campus or community reps, but year-specific or version-specific
designs would only be applicable to 1 or 2 print runs. Setup costs
could definitely be more expensive in that case.

Does US-Marketing have any specific plans in the next 6 months to
print up some swag? At the very least, I think it could be great to do
a bulk purchase of three items like
- T-shirts
- Stickers
- Patches

...and then sell them at cost (or a slight subsidy?) to volunteers who
wanted to do something local in their community. I'd love to have a
small LibreOffice sticker to slap on my laptop and a LibreOffice patch
to put on my bag or on a baseball hat.


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