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Hi :)

Is MySql owned by Oracle?  Are there other sql databases that could be used if a 
problem developed there?
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Heinrich Stoellinger <>
Sent: Sat, 28 May, 2011 9:20:27
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Native MySQL-connection

Hi Alex,
I just installed 3.4rc2 and also deleted the cache subdirectory before 
Same result...
And - by the way - it all works fine under M$-Vista. Not particularly 
when trying to use Open Software...
Regards (from rainy Salzburg!)

On Fri, 27 May 2011 16:11:39 +0200, Alexander Thurgood <> 

Le 26/05/11 19:08, Heinrich Stoellinger a écrit :

Hi Heinrich,

I installed LibreOffice 3.4rc1 today and it seems to work o.k., except ---
the native MySQL-connector is gone. The error message (roughtly translated
from German) is ... SDBC-driver was not found. When I then try to install
it (downloading the OpenOffice-provided driver) I get the answer that it
is installed already. I would prefer NOT to use either ODBC or JDBC.
Can anybody help?
I have exactly the same problem on my LibreOffice 3.3.2 installation on
Mac OSX, which used to work fine and now tells me that despite the
package being installed, it can not make the connection to the database.
The package is installed in a sub-directory of :


Delete that sub-directory (make sure the LO isn't running first) in
which you find the mysql-connector, restart LibreOffice, and then
re-install the connector.

You may also find that it is installed in the equivalent LibreOffice
user directory (whatever that is for your platform, since you don't
specify). Look there and do the same before re-installing the connector.

At present, I don't have the problem with LO 3.4rc1.


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