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Hi Scott, *,

Scott Furry schrieb:
 On 02/10/10 01:45 PM, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
Mike Houben schrieb:
This was the Question asked..

Hey you all, I'm starting to make some scratches, but i need some
help with your ideas from your point of vue.
You knew the GUI of Microsoft's Office and the one Apple has done.
Have you some things you like to have also in the GUI of our app?
do you like to have other things that they don't have?
what do you don't like about our GUI?
This was my answer:
I was involved in a discussion on that topic in Apr 2007 started by
Chris Monahan: [discuss] Configuration Sets

I very much like the current OOo GUI interface. Simple, clean and
usable. I understand the need to "improve things", but let's remember
the adage: "A camel is a horse designed by committee"
Not to dissuade this heartfelt and overwhelming need to help and
improve LO, I would suggest that now is not the time to be
entertaining ideas of rebuilding the wheel. We (an inclusive plural
meaning the whole community) have a laundry list of things to take
care that to me seem to have more of a priority.
I never declined that, and I never claimed to integrate "capes" in
Reading the question again I have to admit: it was a heavy answer on a
light question ;o))


Thanks for the reminder. :o))

All the best

Ansprechpartner / contact person for the "PrOOo-Box"
german language and more on CD/DVD 

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