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On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 11:56:53 +0100, Michael Meeks <> wrote:
On Mon, 2012-02-27 at 14:37 -0800, julien2412 wrote:
On 3.5 updated some days ago, here's the difference between the moment I open Calc (so before freeze) and after the moment the freeze stops (once I typed
something) :
        Great - so, loading / bootstrapping the python stuff is also something
of a problem it seems: urgh ! or perhaps ( as Tommy suggests )
autocorrect is implicated too.


maybe there are 2 causes for that freeze.

if it may help you, I can tell that the freeze I experience has always been part
of old OOo/LibO releases and it's not a new thing for me in OOo 3.5.0

again, using a "virgin" portable LibreOffice 3.5 ( )
has no start-typing-freeze in my user experience.

the performace issue happens only when using a profile with my huge autocorrect database


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