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On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Marc Paré <> wrote:
I have been cooperating with another member on a LibreOffice pamphlet that
could be used at conferences. Here is our latest iteration. I still have a
couple of things that need to be done/checked on it:

1. I wanted to verify if this statement is true as it is written on the

"LibreOffice is the first large office suite, which uses the new OASIS
OpenDocument Format 1.2 as the default storage format, the future
international standard for office software."


2. In this paragraph:

"The OASIS is supported by all major manufacturers in the information
technology, including Computer Associates, EDS, IBM, Oracle, Novell and
Microsoft. OpenDocument Format is supported by the European Commission and
is recommended as a document exchange format.  Through the OpenDocument
Format, files can be easily viewed or edited with the many programs that
support this format as well."

I was wondering if I should add Google to this list as well and are there
any other major players that should be mentioned.

At the same time, should there be a note on trademark seeing as these names
are appearing on the pamphlet; if so can someone suggest a short sentence?


3. Could someone proof the pamphlet? Check to see if the description of the
6 applications are good enough (the descriptions were pulled from the
website to add consistency).
Made some edits and commented, with Edit>Changes>Record turned on



4. The application icons. I left a message on the design mailing list. But
as of this writing there was still no answer. Are these the right icons? If
so, do they look OK? I could not find any link to the LibO icon set on our
Marketing wiki pages ... IMO ... they should show there as they are a
working part of our section.


I have left a copy on the wiki pages[1]. Feel free to comment. As you can
see there is very little space left to add any more content.




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