Hi Italo,
OK, sent request to "info@documentfoundation.org", hope they can help.
Hemmat Ragheb
IT Support Services (ITSS), O&M Support
Information International Associates (IIA)
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
571 775 8350 Office
571 345 5189 Cell
-----Original Message-----
From: Italo Vignoli <italo@libreoffice.org>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 9:10 AM
To: Ragheb, Hemmat (IIa) <Hemmat.Ragheb2@USPTO.GOV>
Cc: accessibility@global.libreoffice.org; Sabbani, Karunakar (IIa) <Karunakar.Sabbani@USPTO.GOV>;
Xiao, Quansheng (Victor) <Quansheng.Xiao@USPTO.GOV>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] LibeOffice VPAT compliance
Again, if my previous messages were not clear enough: we do not know about the VPAT compatibility
of LibreOffice, because this is a mailing list to discuss accessibility issues and not to provide
information about LibreOffice accessibility.
The fact that you are using LibreOffice 6.4.6 is completely irrelevant for us because we do not
have the information to answer your question, as the scope of the mailing list is completely
We are volunteers supporting the LibreOffoce project and interested in accessibility, but we do not
have the competence and the information to answer your question, which can only be provided by the
legal entity behind LibreOffice, i.r. The Document Foundation.
In addition, most of the mailing list subscribers are based in Europe, and are not familiar with US
accessibility regulations. It is possible that no one based in the US is subscribed to the
accessibility mailing list.
So, to get an answer you should write to info@documentfoundation.org, because the foundation's
Board of Directors is the only body who knows about LibreOffice accessibility compliance with
different regulations, and - if necessary - can provide the legal evidence.
Best regards, Italo
On 9/14/20 1:52 PM, Ragheb, Hemmat (IIa) wrote:
We are not using the Red-Hat package, they do not have LibreOffice 6.4.6, with are using a RPM
package or building from source.
Also, This is not about the application is packaging or which operating system used, this is
about the facilities provided by the LibreOffice application.
Are we to conclude that currently LibreOffice is not VPAT compliant, are any plans in place to
have LibreOffice meat the requirements of VPAT section 508.
Hemmat Ragheb
IT Support Services (ITSS), OEMS O&M Support Information International
Associates (IIA) OCIO/OIEO/ESSD U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
571 775 8350 Office
571 345 5189 Cell
-----Original Message-----
From: Italo Vignoli <italo@libreoffice.org>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 7:36 AM
To: Ragheb, Hemmat (IIa) <Hemmat.Ragheb2@USPTO.GOV>
Cc: accessibility@global.libreoffice.org; Sabbani, Karunakar (IIa) <Karunakar.Sabbani@USPTO.GOV>;
Xiao, Quansheng (Victor) <Quansheng.Xiao@USPTO.GOV>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] LibeOffice VPAT compliance
Yes, I know, but my previous answer is valid. This is a volunteer attended mailing list and we
cannot provide an answer to your question because we are not allowed to do so. So, please write
to the other email I provided. Best regards.
14 Sep 2020 12:32:15 Ragheb, Hemmat (IIa) <Hemmat.Ragheb2@USPTO.GOV>:
Hello Italo,
The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) section 508 is about the product
irrespective of which Operating System.
The VPAT is to support users with disabilities, help users to be able to use the application.
Hemmat Ragheb
IT Support Services (ITSS), OEMS O&M Support Information International
Associates (IIA) OCIO/OIEO/ESSD U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
571 775 8350 Office
571 345 5189 Cell
-----Original Message-----
From: Italo Vignoli <italo@libreoffice.org>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 4:42 PM
To: Ragheb, Hemmat (IIa) <Hemmat.Ragheb2@USPTO.GOV>;
Cc: Sabbani, Karunakar (IIa) <Karunakar.Sabbani@USPTO.GOV>; Xiao,
Quansheng (Victor) <Quansheng.Xiao@USPTO.GOV>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] LibeOffice VPAT compliance
Dear Sir,
LibreOffice is a free open source software, released by a not for profit foundation based in
Germany: The Document Foundation. The source code of LibreOffice is re-packaged by Red Hat to be
included in RHEL.
You have sent your message to a mailing list manned by volunteers, who are dealing with
accessibility features but not with accessibility legal compliance. We do not know enough the
topic to provide a sensible answer and in any case we would not be able to issue the document
you have requested.
So, please send your request to the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, by writing
to: info@documentfoundation.org. I don't know if they will be able to issue the document, but
they will be able to answer your question.
Best regards, Italo Vignoli
On 9/11/20 8:12 PM, Ragheb, Hemmat (IIa) wrote:
The USPTO is planning to use LibreOffice 6.4.6 for Linux (RHEL7).
Please provide compliance status of LibreOffice with VPAT Section 508
Hemmat Ragheb
IT Support Services (ITSS), O&M Support Information International
Associates (IIA) OCIO/OIEO/ESSD U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
571 775 8350 Office
571 345 5189 Cell
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Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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