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On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 5:32 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions <> wrote:
I tired a PPA several times with Ubuntu 9.x and 10.04.  It failed have the
I tried to install anything via PPA.  So I do not use it.

Gary already explained that - it isn't there.

I think we need to make sure that the people who are Linux users have
clear options fir installing via PPA and through the standard web site
download and terminal install.  It is only a few lines to install via the
terminal, so for me it is easier than setting up a PPA install.

A shell script would be better, like the update script that comes with it....

I still use a PDF file to remind me what the commands are, but it does
not change except the [file] name of the version to be installed.

As I said, a shell script would be better, and really simple:

if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
    echo "Usage: `basename $0` <install-tarball>"
    exit 1

if [[ ! -f $tgz ]]; then    # try adding the .tar.gz suffices...
    if [[ ! -f $tgz ]]; then
        echo "$tgz does not appear to be a gzipped tarball - please
check the file and try again."
        exit 1
tar -xzf $tgz
dir=`basename $tgz .tar.gz`
if [[ ! -d $dir/DEBS ]]; then
    echo "I can't see a DEBS subdirectory - check your tarball again."
    exit 1
cd $dir/DEBS
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
if [[ -d desktop-integration ]]; then
    cd desktop-integration
    sudo dpkg -i *.deb
echo "Done!"
echo ""

You can even use this to install the lang packs and help pack since it
doesn't care what the name of the file is.

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