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I think I know a little more than what is stated below.

Since English is what I have as my default language, if I do not have any non-English words in the text "selected", then I get the error.
Now when I add text that is Spanish, the options gives me a number of 
different Spanish dictionaries to choose from.  When I add French text 
to the document, then it gives me French as an option for the text.
NICE how the system knows what languages are involved.

So the error only happens when I have ALL English text and try to choose a different language than English.

On 06/04/2011 09:48 AM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
I found an issue with

Tools>Language>For Selection  or >For Paragraph.

I am using 3.3.2 DEB 64-bit

When I try to select a language to for a selected text or a paragraph, the link/option goes to the "Character menu" and to choose a background color.
I have not tried this since 3.3.0 or 3.3.1, but I know it worked 
before [it could have been the Windows version though].  It use to go 
to a nice menu showing me a list or language dictionary files I had 
installed.  Now it just goes to the Character options.
Is this a know bug, and being worked on, or is there some issue with 
my install?
LibreOffice 3.3.2
OOO330m19 (Build:202)
tag libreoffice-
Ubuntu 10.04LTS 64-bit

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