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Oh, and sorry for the number of emails, but I guess I'm assuming that you
can add a new property key at any point by insertByName()...

Thanks in advance, UNO is a little tricky at this level. At least that's
what I find... from what I can tell, it really comes down to the
cppuhelper::ComponentContext class which implements the XNameContainer
interface. *Please* correct me if I'm wrong :-)


On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 10:29 AM, Chris Sherlock <>

So what about the following approach:

Reference< XComponentContext > xContext =
::cppu::ContextEntry_Init aContextInfo[] =
    ::cppu::ContextEntry_Init("testkey", uno::Any() ),
xNewContext = ::cppu::createComponentContext(aContextInfo,
sizeof(aContextInfo) / sizeof (aHandlerContextInfo[0]), xContext);

Then to get access to the container, I use something like this:

Reference< container::XNameContainer > xNameContainer( xContext, UNO_QUERY

Is this the right approach? Will the delegate ComponentContext work?


On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 12:25 AM, Andrew Pitonyak <>

Guessing from memory and not east for me to verify at the Moment, but I
thought that the context was read only. I think that of you want to add
values you need to create a new one with the desired named value pairs.

Are you able to inspect an object to see of it supports setting values...

I have done very little in this area and don't remember...

Chris Sherlock <> wrote:

Hi all,

How do you insert a value to be retrieved later into an XComponentContext

I see there is a XNameContainer, which is created by 
or whatever value you want. From here you then do insertByName.

However, how do you then insert this into the component context?



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