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Hi Sam,

On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 16:12 +0700, Samphan Raruenrom wrote:
Last year I've done a comparison of memory usage on Windows between Calc 3.1 and MS Excel 2003/2007 for spreadsheets with
simple formula of various size. I found that Calc take a lot more
memory than Excel 2003/2007 when loading large spreadsheets.
        This is quite well known :-) thanks for the pretty graph though.
Is there any work on LibreOffice to reduce memory usage of LibreOffice
Calc on large spreadsheets?
        So - Kohei is working on 'ixion' - which attempts to thread
re-calculation, but IMHO -the- fundamental design problem with calc, is
something quite banal - the concept that a spreadsheet is built from
cells: without breaking that basic misconception I don't think we can do
any of the really interesting space / time optimisations we need to do.

        Having said that - the first trick with optimisation is profiling. Do
you have a memory profile ? until we have that it is impossible to see
what is chewing the memory - sadly, formulae are -very- large
storage-wise in calc [ cf. the above ], and are duplicated for every
cell. Even so, it'd be nice to run a memory profiler eg.

        [ you will need to export G_SLICE=1 to get real results ]

        And see what is consuming the most memory, most likely one type will

        Then we can help provide some pointers to improving that.

        How does that sound ?

        Thanks for the investigation ! :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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