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I've got LibreOffice on the home pc, it just hasn't got the Help system to view off line?but thanks 
for trying.

    On Tuesday, 31 October 2023 at 12:49:15 GMT, Brad Rogers <> wrote:  
 On Tue, 31 Oct 2023 11:30:53 +0000 (UTC)
jaye <> wrote:

Hello jaye,

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.  Especially with regard to
internet issues.  Although I personally am unlikely to be able to
assist with the LO design and layout, I hope some of the more expert
members of this list will step up and offer to help.  One way would be
for you to email the screenshots to them directly.  Since you attached
them to your original post, I hope you still have them on a USB stick
(or whatever).

My home pc isn't connected to the internet, I don't have a smart phone,
I'm using a computer in the public library, they don't allow access to
stuff like dropbox etc so there is no way I can upload the files, .
I can understand their reticence, TBH.

aged locals are into Ancestry form making.
There are many family history form templates available for download (to
USB stick, then to home), do none of them serve your need?  (I suspect
the answer is "No - none are quite what I want").

Anyhow, to your original question:  The LO download page has a link
"Help for offline use: {Language}"  Where language will be, probably,
English GB.  Download that file at the library.  Don't worry about the
(Torrent, info) links, they're not really that useful to you.

The LO download page can be found at;
The page 'helpfully' detects operating system and language which, being
in a library almost certainly means Windows is detected, but it is
possible to change the Operating System choice from a drop down list.

How you then go about installing the help files depends largely on which
OS you're using.

Good luck.

 Regards  _      "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
        / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad  "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
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