Hi Goran,
Goran Rakic wrote on 2013-03-05 00:18:
Sorry, I sent you a link to a wrong message. :(
no problem. :)
The problem is that the "Discover It" page is broken when the site is
accessed over HTTPS like this https://www.libreoffice.org/home/Discover
Browser denies loading CSS over insecure protocol and in dicover-it.html
there are absolute links to CSS files starting with "http://"; that will
not be loaded.
Ah, okay - I tried to fix this in the source, can you see if this works now?
There is another issue at the bottom of the page source where some
javascript files are referenced using relative urls. We are using url
rewriting so relative urls are broken.
This causes javascript errors and page transitions to be missing. It is a
minor issue but still should be easy to fix, using protocol-relative
absolute urls just like with CSS files above.
Instead "mysite/javascripts/libs/jquery-1.8.0.min.js" the link should be
"//www.libreoffice.org/mysite/javascripts/libs/jquery-1.8.0.min.js" and
like so for other files next to it.
Thanks for pointing this out! I've fixed it now, can you see if it works?
Camille, can you fix both in your local repo as well?
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- Re: [libreoffice-website] Home page version 20130301 (continued)
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