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On 25/05/2011 Regina Henschel wrote:
Steve Edmonds schrieb:
Currently it is in English "Data points order", that are 17 characters, 
in German we have "Ordnung für Stützpunkte", that are 23 characters, 
Spanish has 28 characters and fills the dialog area completely.

"Interpolation Polynomial Degree"
"Degree of Spline Polynomial"
"Degree of Polynomial"
Degree of Polynomial
Is that clear in content? Then it would be good. I have tried other 
languages with Google. They have similar length.
In Italian, where we traditionally have very long strings as in French,
"Degree of Polynomial" would be "Grado del polinomio" (19); it would be
more informative to use "Grado del polinomio interpolante" (32) which
probably exceeds the maximum length; but I think "Degree of
Polynomial" (="Grado del polinomio") is clear enough in context.


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