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Hi Nicholas,

On Thu, 2014-09-18 at 08:45 -0400, nicholas ferguson wrote:
I built in Visual Studio, using native compilers…modules sc and cui
and all of their dependencies. This build is separate from libreoffice
make files and cygwin.  It doesn’t require references to make files or
        I love the idea; anything to make it easier to build on Windows and
remove the cygwin grief: I feel your pain.

If I send you my notes, could you tweak your vs2012-ide-integration,
to a vs2012native-ide-integration ( or any name you choose) so that we
could generate those projects?  
        Well; the best way is to send a patch of your own. We love patches =)
developers talk code really. I suspect if you start something there you
may find people intersted in playing with it with you & chipping away at
the problem.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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