On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Keith Williams wrote:
Yes. I'll put this together by midnight tomorrow. I have a lot of projects
but can carve out sometime between 9:30-12 tomorrow to do this. It's not
going to be themed, but I can put the content in and maybe add something
that demonstrates Drupal's community features.
Have you been able to set up your demo site yet? Let me know if I can help you out in some way--I
should have a little bit of time this weekend if you want me to take on some of the tasks (if you
have a server, I could install Drupal 7 beta and work on theming it a bit, even). Let me know how I
can help!
Benjamin Horst
646-464-2314 (Eastern)
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- Re: [libreoffice-website] CMS requirements / suitability testing (continued)
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