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the bug report <>

The repair in is quite simple

at line 154  we have  textbody = textbody.encode('utf-8')

where the textbody contains non-ascii characters like (éèà etc...)

so just insert

textbody = unicode( textbody, "utf-8" )

before line 154 and everyting works fine !

i make also the bug report with the correct



On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Fernand Vanrie<>  wrote:
I found that we can send Emails using Basic and the API using the Phyton
Mailmerge stuff.
There is a small problem to send Emails with non us-ascii characters. I
solved the problem in the Python script, just wondering how do i pass this correction to the original script who is delivered by the native installion
I supose filling a issue ?

Is this the file you were working on?
If so, then the way to go for this is:

1. create a patch (diff file) which highlights the changes you did to
the Python code.
If you can put your final version of online, I can help
you create the appropriate patch.

2. file a bug report at
Select the the component 'LibreOffice'.

3. tell us here the URL of this bug report so that we can have a look.
There are several encoding issues with the Python scripts, so it would
be nice to find a way to fix them all in one go.


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