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On 05/11/10 20:44, Giuseppe Castagno wrote:
Wols Lists wrote:
Just (yet again :-) done a completely fresh download of libreoffice,
type "make", and I get the following fail :-(

I'll investigate further, but has somebody just committed a change and
broken it?


Entering /home/anthony/gitstuff/loffice/rawbuild/sal/cppunittester

Making:    all_cppunittester.dpobj
Compiling: sal/cppunittester/cppunittester.cxx
Making:    cppunittester.lib
Making:    cppunittester

cannot find -lcppunit
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dmake:  Error code 1, while making '../'

I hit the same problem in sc module, I was able to continue the build
by installing cppunit on my Ubuntu:

aptitude install libcppunit-1.12-1 libcppunit-dev

You may need to adapt the installing to your platform.

Just doing an emerge cppunit.

Hmmm ....

Looks like another thing we need to test for in!



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