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Hello Jonathan,

For now I've only tested it against iOS5.0 and later so I don't think it's
compatible with iOS4.1. The app is pretty much based on storyBoard which is
one of the main features of iOS5, so sadly iOS4 will not be compatible :'-(


2013/7/15 Jonathan Aquilina <>

What is the oldest version of iOS this will work with as i have an older
ipod touch with 4.1 on it.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Siqi Liu <> wrote:

Hello Jonathan, Tor and all LibO developers and QA testers,

I've just integrated TestFlight into the app and now I need to register
beta-testers' iOS devices in order to distribute this beta-testing version
to you.

For that I've created a gdoc to gather unique identifiers from all beta
testers which is available here:

Please, feel free to register your iOS devices as testing devices so that
I can register your devices for the ad-hoc distribution. You will then get
a copy of the beta-testing distribution (.ipa) and try out this new app on
your devices :-D This app gets better because of you!

Happy testing and poke me for all questions you may have. Please also let
me know if there is any mailing list that might be more appropriate for
this matter.

Thank you!

2013/7/14 Jonathan Aquilina <>

For app testing there is a website that allows testing of ios apps
called test flight.

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Tor Lillqvist <> wrote:

The progress is really impressive!

Also, should I publish this version on the app store so that people
don't have to compile it? Or export it to an ipa file?

I don't think it is a good idea to publish it before it is ready for
real use; one is not supposed to publish "beta test" versions in the App

I would assume any hint at it being a test version in its description
or in the app itself will automatically mean it won't get approved into the

And on the other hand, if you publish it, knowing it has still
problems, but without being able to tell so to customers, that will just
generate bad press for it, "LibreOffice published their Impress Remote for
iOS but it doesn't work".

Better to use the ad-hoc distribution mechanism, I think, where if I
understand correctly you specifically add provisioning to the app to run on
up to 100 named tester devices, and then distribute the app to these


LibreOffice mailing list

Jonathan Aquilina


Siqi LIU

Étudiant Ingérieur, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Vice-Président de l'association robotique UTCoupe
Responsable d'atelier de ClubChine

  Tel. +33 7 61 16 95 83

Jonathan Aquilina


Siqi LIU

Étudiant Ingérieur, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Vice-Président de l'association robotique UTCoupe
Responsable d'atelier de ClubChine

  Tel. +33 7 61 16 95 83


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